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© Copyright Michael Dan Kellum 2010
                       Cam Sa Raid, aka The August 4 Caper                                                                             Super 8 Footage Shot                           
                          By Cpl. Dwight Williams, HML-167 Crew Chief Marine Cpl. Dwight Williams, 21, of Pensacola, Florida in 1970 was the crew chief of 1stLt. L.M.  "Larry" Thrasher and HML-167 commanding officer Lt.Col. Douglas A. "Doug" McCaughey's  Command and Control Huey on August 4, 1970. Williams and Cpl. John T. "J.T." Bouley, 21, of  Harrisville, Rhode Island, the Huey's doorgunner, shot numerous still photos of the action  during the Cam Sa Raid, aka The August 4 Caper, south of Da Nang, South Vietnam.   Williams captured some of the action in a roughly 90 second Super 8 clip of the battle and  aftermath while circling the battleground in the Phong Ha-Quang Ha (1) area just below the Old  Cau Ha Combat Base in the Republic of Korea Marine Corps' area of operation.   Unfortunately there is no sound to the footage. Some portions of the film was used as part of  the Vietnam's Helicopter Heroes film narrated by Martin Sheen.   After reading the included condensed version in Leatherneck magazine's May 2011 issue on  this website from Michael Dan Kellum's Book II, American Heroes: Grunts, Pilots & "Docs,"  Chapter 12, pages 279-292, you will have a better understanding of what you are seeing on the  shaky handheld Super 8 camera in the vibrating Huey aircraft.   Basically, Williams started filming after 63 Marines and Vietnamese from 3rd Platoon, Golf Co.,  2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment; 2/1's S-2 (Intelligence section) scouts; and 3rd  Counterintelligence and Interrogation Team were already on the ground rounding up fleeing  Viet Cong leaders and their bodyguards. You can just make out some of the VC running while  Marines and their Vietnamese allies attempt to surround and overtake them. Some VC are  shown surrendering by putting their hands up or lying down on the ground when they realized  it was unhealthy to try and outrun the 2/1 force or the two overhead Cobra gunships and Huey  C&C bird. A VC is shown attempting to run out of the targeted battle zone while a Cobra  gunship expertly puts exploding rockets at his every turn preventing his escape.   This is rare raw footage of actual combat in Vietnam. In the final movie shots the Marines collect the bodies of the VC who elected to try to flee or  fight it out with the Marines and Marine aircraft. The bodies are dragged to a central location  and lined up...12 altogether. Twelve other VC were captured and taken in for interrogation. The  operation lasted a grand total of 25 minutes and not one Marine or Vietnamese ally was  injured. 
Cam Sa Raid Super 8 Fooage