© Copyright Michael Dan Kellum 2010
Articles Written by William Groom Leftwich Jr.
(Publications/Articles shown beginning with the earliest dates)
Leftwich Jr., Maj. William G., USMC, “Completion of Tour Report,” 25 pages, report from Maj.
Leftwich as Senior Marine Advisor, Naval Advisory Group, MACV to Chief, Naval Advisory
Group, MACV, includes History of Task Force Alfa, 11Feb-28Dec1965; Statistical Analysis;
and Campaign Map.
Leftwich Jr., Maj. W.G., USMC, “Bong Son Operation,” Marine Corps Gazette, June 1966, pp.
Leftwich Jr., Maj. W.G., Scrapbook, Subject: Aide-de-Camp, Marine Corps Gazette, August
1965, page 15.
Leftwich Jr., Maj. William G., USMC, “Americanism Abroad 1966,” speech given before the
Memphis Civitan Club in Memphis, Tennessee, on September 20, 1966.
Leftwich Jr., Maj. W.G., USMC, “COVAN MY, American Advisor,” Shipmate: USNA Alumni
Association Magazine, November 1966.
Leftwich Jr., Maj., William G., USMC, “Freedom, My Heritage, My Responsibility,” entry into the
Valley Forge Historical Society Essay Contest, 1967.
Leftwich Jr., Maj. William G., USMC, “Decision at Duc Co,” Marine Corps Gazette,
(Quantico, Virginia: Marine Corps Association, January 1967), p. 35-38.
Leftwich Jr., Maj. William G., USMC, “An Afternoon With Bernard Fall,” Marine Corps Gazette,
March 1968, pp. 25-27.
Leftwich Jr., Lt.Col. William G., USMC, “…and a few Marines,” Naval Proceedings, the U.S.
Naval Institute, August 1968, pp. 34-45.
Leftwich Jr., Lt.Col. W.G., USMC, “Management By Suggestion,” Scrapbook, Marine Corps
Gazette, November, 1968, pp. 25-25.
Leftwich Jr., Lt.Col. W.G., USMC, “The Newest Breed,” Shipmate: USNA Alumni Association
Magazine, November 1968, pp. 7-9, 13.
Leftwich Jr., Lt.Col. William G., USMC, “Vietnamization Marine Corps Style,” Shipmate: USNA
Alumni Association Magazine, November 1970.
Articles or Related Material Written
About William Groom Leftwich Jr.
(Articles/related material shown beginning with the earliest dates)
United States Naval Academy, Vice Admiral C.T. Joy, USN, USNA superintendent, Special
Order No. 128-52, letters of commendation to six USNA midshipmen including William Groom
Leftwich Jr., who, at the end of the academic year contributed most by their officer-like qualities
and positive character to the development of military spirit and loyalty within the Regiment,
October 6, 1952.
United States Naval Academy, Vice Admiral C.T. Joy, USN, USNA superintendent, Special
Order No. 70-53, letters of commendation to 15 1953 USNA graduates that includes William
Groom Leftwich, Jr., June 1, 1953.
Lucky Bag, 1953, June 6, 1953, 109 Academic Year, United States Naval Academy yearbook,
Annapolis, Maryland, (Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1953).
AP Wirephoto of a wounded and under fire VNMC advisor Maj. Bill Leftwich Jr. taken by Huynh
Cong La, also known as Huynh Thanh My, AP staff photographer, dated March 9, 1965.
Miles, William J., “Picture Comforts Family--He Won’t Be Disfigured,” The Commercial
Appeal, March 12, 1965, p. 1, 2.
Daily News, The, “Memphis Marine Is Decorated For Vietnamese Action In Directing Troops
While Wounded,” Photo/Caption, Memphis, Tennessee, April 1, 1965, p. 1.
Commercial Appeal, The, Memphis Tennessee, “Leftwich Gets Navy Cross For Heroic Action In
War,” May 1, 1965.
Newsweek, William Tuohy, War Correspondent, “The Relief of Duc Co,” August 23, 1965.
TIME magazine, “The Heroes,” October 22, 1965, p. 39A.
Memphis Press-Scimitar, Clark Porteous, Staff Writer, “Boys Learn Daddy’s a Hero: Leftwich
Kept Going Despite a Hit in Face,” November 1965.
The Commercial Appeal, Jack Martin, Staff Writer, “Hero Sneezes At Draft Protesters,”
January 23, 1966, p. 10.
Nitze, Secretary of the Navy Paul H., Navy Cross citation for “extraordinary heroism” exhibited
on March 9, 1965 at Hoai An in leading his Vietnamese Marine Brigade in an assault on a hill
above the ville and calling in airstrikes after being wounded by a VC machine gun, citation
dated January 24, 1966.
The Commercial Appeal, Barton Fruhman, Staff Writer, “War Will ‘Just Peter Out’—We’ll Win,
Says Memphian,” February 24, 1966.
The Commercial Appeal, Jack Martin, Staff Writer, “Memory Of War Invades Lazy
Afternoon,” February 27, 1966, p. 14.
Commercial Appeal, The. Memphis, Tennessee, ”Death Strikes Groom Leftwich,” March 26,
1966, and ”Rites Are Planned Today For W. Groom Leftwich,” March 27, 1966.
Quantico Sentry, Quantico, Virginia, PFC T.J. Judge, “Navy Cross, Bronze Stars And Air
Medals Bestowed On Ten During Ceremonies Here,” April 29, 1966, p. 1.
Quantico Sentry, MGy.Sgt. Mel Jones, “Maj. Leftwich Called Best Advisor In Vietnam,” May 6,
The Commercial Appeal, Barton Fruhman, Staff Writer, “War Veteran Says US Is Winning,”
September 21, 1966.
The Columbus Enquirer, Charles Black, Columnist, “U.S. Advisors Still Important,” Columbus,
Ohio, January 13, 1967, p. 4.
TIME magazine, “On the Street Without Joy,” March 3, 1967, p. 31.
Memphis Press-Scimitar, Wayne Chastain, Staff Writer, “On Way to Front for Second Tour,
Col. Leftwich Confident of Our Policy In Vietnam, April 13, 1970.
Wilcox, Col. E.A., 1st Marine Regiment CO, upon being replaced by Col. Paul X. Kelley as new
CO submitted an ‘Interim Letter’ to be included in Lt.Col. William G. Leftwich Jr.’s Fitness
Report recommending an end of tour award for all his accomplishments and immediate impact
on 2/1 between May 16-June 28 while under Col. Wilcox’s command, letter dated, June 29,
Jones, Lt.Gen. William K., CO Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, Silver Star citation for Lt.Col. William
G. Leftwich Jr. for the August 4, 1970 innovative heliborne operation around Phong Ha (1) and
Quang Ha (1) that killed 12 VC enemy commanders and captured another 12.
Burriss, Cpl. Ed, “2/1 Marines Led To VC Headquarters,” SEA TIGER, Vol. VI, No. 35, August
28, 1970, p. 8, publication of the Public Affairs Office, III Marine Amphibious Force.
McGarigle, 1stLt. J.C., HMM-263 Peachbush, Aircraft Safety Officer (ASO), Preliminary
Report of Aircraft Accident occurring 18Nov70 at 1650 involving CH-46D, 154837, HMM-
263, names withheld pending investigation, teletype message sent to 22 command
authorities on November 18, 1970, “UNK AAR” (Notation on page “DEA, FMFPAC”).
McGarigle, 1stLt. J.C., HMM-263 Peachbush, Aircraft Safety Officer (ASO), Supplemental
After Action Report, 19Nov70, at 0934Z indicates crash site found, helicopter crashed and
exploded from unknown causes at 1900 feet above ground level, “DEA SUPP AAR”
appears on teletype message sent to 22 command authorities.
The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tennessee, Lewis Nolan, Staff Writer, “Marine Hero Is
Killed In Vietnam Action,” November 19, 1970.
McGarigle, 1stLt. J.C., HMM-263 Peachbush, Aircraft Safety Officer (ASO), Supplemental
After Action Report of 22Nov 70 air crash, teletype message listing 10 1st Recon
Battalion Marines KIA and 5 Peachbush crewmen KIA, “DEA SUPP ARR” appears on
page, was sent out to 21 command authorities at 0449 November 22, 1970.
Murphy, Jeremiah, “Colonel killed…a day in Da Nang Recalled,” newspaper unknown,
published sometime in November, 1970, clipping provided by Bill Leftwich III.
Memphis Press-Scimitar, Memphis, Tennessee, “Lt.Col. Leftwich Dies in Vietnam,”
November 19, 1970.
The Commercial Appeal, Thomas BeVier, Staff Writer, “Boyhood Dreams Of Military Glory Led
Straight And True To Destiny,” November 20, 1970.
Commercial Appeal, The, Memphis Tennessee, “City Park Will Be Dedicated To Marine
Hero Of Vietnam,” November 21, 1970.
Memphis Press-Scimitar, Memphis, Tennessee, “Park Will Be Named For Lt.Col. Leftwich,”
November 21, 1970.
Blair III, Capt. Frank S., (H&S Co. CO), and Moore, Gy.Sgt. Terry (Mission Impossible patrol
leader), 5-page 1st Recon Patrol Debrief, November 22, 1970 with accompanying crash site
The Detroit News, Col. R.D. Heinl Jr., News Military Analyst, “Marine was heroic in life—and
death,” Opinion, November 23, 1970.
Memphis Press-Scimitar, Memphis, Tennessee, "Top Men to Attend Leftwich Funeral,"
November 23, 1970.
Washington Post, The, Washington, D.C., “Crash Fatal To Officer In Vietnam,” November
24, 1970.
Commercial Appeal, The, Memphis, Tennessee, “Top Figures To Attend Leftwich Services
Friday,” November 25, 1970.
Memphis Press-Scimitar, Memphis, Tennessee, ”Perot, Military Officials Pay Tribute to
Leftwich,” November 27, 1970.
Memphis Press-Scimitar, Kay Morgan, and Jerry L. Robbins, Staff Writers, "Perot, Military
Officials Pay Tribute to Leftwich,” November 27, 1970, pp 1, 4.
The Commercial Appeal, Thomas BeVier, Staff Writer, “’Taps’ Marks Fallen Marine Hero;
‘Always Faithful’ Describes Him,” November 28, 1970.
Memphis Press-Scimitar, Memphis, Tennessee, ”A Hero Is Laid Respectfully to Rest,”
November 28, 1970.
Memphis Press-Scimitar, Memphis, Tennessee, Don Tate, Scripps-Howard staff writer, "How
Lt.Col. Leftwich Died Against Cloud-Shrouded Hill 864," December 3, 1970.
Congressional Record, December 3, 1970, #39903, U.S. Rep. Mendal Rivers of South Carolina,
eulogy to Lt.Col. William G. Leftwich Jr., titled, "Tribute To A Fallen American."
Commercial Appeal, The, Memphis Tennessee, “Monument to Marine Hero To Be
Dedicated Sunday,” November 5, 1971.
Memphis Press-Scimitar, Memphis, Tennessee, “Monument to Marine Hero To Be
Dedicated Sunday,” November 5, 1971.
Memphis Press-Scimitar, Memphis, Tennessee, “DAV to Honor Marine Colonel,” May
Westmoreland, Gen. William C., A Soldier Reports. (New York: Doubleday, 1976).
Commercial Appeal, The, Memphis, Tennessee, “Christening Of Destroyer Honors Memphis
Marine,” May 28, 1978.
Commercial Appeal, The, Memphis, Tennessee, “Leftwich Honored,” August 26, 1978, caption
and photo of Mattie Leftwich with Adm. Thomas B. Hayward at the commissioning of the USS
The Commercial Appeal, Alice Fulbright, Staff Writer, “Mother to attend ship honors,” August 27,
“Leftwich Trophy for Outstanding Leadership,” Marine Corps Order 1650.32C, Dec. 14, 1988.
Marine Corps Historical Center, Danny Crawford, head, Reference Section, History and
Museums Division provided Lt.Col. Leftwich’s biography, Navy Cross and Silver Star
citations, Leftwich Trophy information, extracts from Command Chronology, 2/1, August
4, 1970 and 1st Recon Battalion, November 18, 1970, in letter dated November 18, 1992.
Cosmas, Graham A. and Murray, Terrence P., USMC, U.S. Marines in Vietnam, Vietnamization
and Redeployment, 1970-1971, (Washington, D.C.: History and Museums Division,
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, 1986).
Memphis Press-Scimitar, Memphis, Tennessee, “Ship Commission Honors Memphian,” August
25, 1978.
Naval Aviation History Department, CH-46D, MIR, 18Nov1970, Mark Evans gathered
information on helicopter crash requested by Fred Allison, requested by Gen. William L.
"Spider" Nyland, Assistant CMC, (Ret.).
NavSource Online: Destroyer Photo Archive, DD-984 USS Leftwich website:
Navy, Department of, Headquarters USMC, Washington Navy Yard, re. Lt.Col. Wm. G. Leftwich
Jr.: biography, Navy Cross citation, Silver Star citation, press release for Vietnamese Cross
of Gallantry with Palm for March 9, 1965. Information provided in an information packet,
November 18, 1992.
NAVY TIMES, “New Spruance-Class Destroyer To Honor Leftwich,” May 8, 1978.
2nd Battalion, 1st Marines, DANANG VIETNAM 1970, Cruise Book, Camp Lauer, RVN,
published in August 1970, picturing 2/1’s officers and enlisted, billets held, history of 2/1
and Lt.Col. Leftwich in front of May-June 4, 1970 VC/NVA versus Marines AO statistic’s
The Commercial Appeal, William Steverson, Staff Writer, “USS Leftwich Will Honor Hero,” May
14, 1978.
Memphis Press-Scimitar, Memphis, Tennessee, “Ship Is Named For Memphian,” May 26, 1978.
Jet Stream, Chaplain Lloyd Rupp, “Leftwich trophy revisited, Marine Corps Air Station, Beaufort,
South Carolina, VOL. XXII, No. 37, September 12, 1980.
Leftwich III, Capt. W.G., USMC, “Remembering the Man Behind the Trophy,” paper submitted
as fulfillment of requirements for the Publishable Paper Program and the Writing Program at
the Amphibious Warfare School, Quantico, Virginia, March 22, 1989.
The Commercial Appeal, William Thomas, Staff Writer, “Death of war hero’s mother recalls
bravery,” June 16, 1992.
Leftwich III, Maj. W.G., USMC (Ret), research notes including 12 legal-sized pages, photos,
newspaper clippings, magazine articles, copies of Marine Corps awards certificates, March 27-
28, 1993.
United States Naval Academy, Jane H. Price, Assistant Archives, William W. Jeffries Memorial
Archives, 589 McNair Road, Annapolis, Maryland 21402-5033. Enclosures in information
packet dated March 11, 1993 on Lt.Col. (Midshipman) Wm. G. Leftwich Jr.: ’53 Lucky Bag,
annual pages; Registrar’s records; page from the Annual Register of the USNA; Public
Information release and two newspaper articles; three biographical sketches; Shipmate articles
written by Lt.Col. Leftwich, November 1966, November 1968 and November 1970; Shipmate
article July-August, 1975 regarding memorial to the memory of those killed or missing-in-action
in Vietnam.
USS Leftwich, DD-984, United States Ship Commissioning Ceremony book, contains vital ship
statistics and information on the ship’s crew, Pascagoula, Mississippi, August 25, 1979.
Marine Corps Order 1650.32C, CMC establishing Leftwich Trophy for Outstanding
Leadership, Biographical Sketch, dated Dec 14, 1988.
Norton, Maj. Bruce H., USMC (Ret) and Jacques, Sgt.Maj. Maurice, USMC (Ret.), Sergeant
Major: The Biography of Sergeant Major Maurice J. Jacques, USMC, (New York: Ivy Books,
“Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center Exhibits…Opens May 1995,” USNA, news release, March 1995.
Navy, Department of, USN Lt.Cmdr. E. A. Miller, Judge Advocate General’s Corps, Washington
D.C., letter dated April 25, 2002 indicating no JAG investigation on CH-46D, Bureau Number
154837, which occurred on November 18, 1970.